What charities plant trees in the UK? Have you got #Time4Trees?

The world is currently riding a tree-planting trend! With business tycoons & even President Trump all advocating reforesting schemes, tree-planting is a green trend that anyone can get behind. And it’s easy to see why! Planting billions of new trees is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to help tackle the climate crisis, and it’s a solution available right now. Tree-planting is so effective in fact, that scientists believe a worldwide tree-planting program could remove a mind-blowing two-thirds of human CO2 emissions from the atmosphere. However, with the UK’s 2050 deadline for net-zero carbon quickly approaching, and over 30,000 hectares of trees needing to be planted, creating an eco-friendly planet seems impossible to achieve. So how can you help to make a difference? 

This is where companies like Time 4 Trees come in. Time 4 Trees is an environmental company that aims to a minimum of 500,000 trees within the next three years! By reforesting damaged land such as old landfill sites, Time 4 Trees not only aims to remove CO2 from the atmosphere but repurpose contaminated and disused areas! They also focus their projects exclusively in areas that are most in need of carbon capture, such as urban areas or motorways, where air quality is poorest.

Moreover, Time 4 Trees aims to increase the social value of its projects, by working with other organisations, such as Groundwork, to provide practical work experience for students, probationers, and apprenticeships in their delivery. Tree-planting in itself is not a perfect solution to climate change, with some companies using fast-growing trees that can damage ecosystems rather than improve them. However, Time 4 Trees only uses native species that are suited to the area, ensuring that local biodiversity is protected!

Aside from Time 4 Trees’ game-changing approach to reforestation, why choose them over other tree-planting companies? Firstly, Time 4 Trees is for everyone. They provide a trusted mechanism to enable smaller businesses, organisations, and communities – right down to individuals who want to ‘do their bit’ and don’t where to start – to buy into carbon-capturing tree-planting schemes. Stakeholders will also be able to calculate their carbon footprint, so you can see the amazing difference your investment will make. Time 4 Trees will also provide a unique package for each stakeholder, including a certificate, annual carbon capture statement and impressive footage of the project you’ve helped to fund. 


Save the planet, plant trees! Impact climate change in the UK positively!


We’re going to reverse Climate Change & need your help!